Tuesday, 7 August 2012


1. Attend class: This is the simplest way to learn how to study effectively. If you do not go to class, you will not know which items are absolutely crucial to study. In addition, you will not be able to listen to the lectures or obtain handouts.
2. Read ahead: Although this can seem hard to do when you are already so busy, try to read the material before you attend the class. If you accomplish this, then you will be exposed to the material a second time. It could begin to cement new concepts and terms. In addition, you can ask for clarification of anything you did not understand during your readings.
3. Make friends: Having a friend in your class can be an invaluable resource. You could help each other learn how to study effectively in high school by quizzing each other on the material, for example.
4. Use the Available Resources: Whether your professor has included additional reading for you to delve further into the subject or your school offers tutoring in exam taking, it is important to take advantage of the resources that you have available.
5. Ask questions: It is important to make sure that you get the answers to your questions right away. Do not wait until you have studied the material several times and you still do not understand it. Get help right away.
6. Spend your lag time studying: Read over your study guide on the bus ride to university or listen to your professor’s lecture while you are working out at the gym.
7. Take lots of notes: Write down everything you think is important. If you hear an unfamiliar term, write it down so that you can look up the definition later.
8. Get a laptop: Having a laptop will enable you to look up definitions and solidify concepts during those lag times when your instructor is helping other people.
9. Seek out old exams: You can use old exams and study guides as the basis for learning how to study effectively in university. Even if the answers are not available, you will still learn the style of the professor.
10. Do not wait until the last minute: Instead of trying to cram all of your studying into one or two days or all nighters, study for a few hours each day of the week before the exam.

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